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Revision as of 16:02, 23 May 2009

Quest Goals Rewards
Herb Essences Crystal Splinters Power Stones Gold Resin Mana Rune
Your School of Herbs Conjure School of Herbs Level 1 200 500 200 800 550 1
Your Palace Name Rename your Palace 200 400        
Individual Profiles Look at three Profiles       125 250  
Your First Cave of Crystals Conjure Cave of Crystals Level 1 100       500  
My Friend Grimnismal Find out the name of Grimnismal's Guild     50   150 1
The Question Mark Icons Read the question mark information
next to the mana bar
  300 50      
Your First Hero Statue Conjure Hero Statue Level 1   400     500  
Your Rank and Your League Find out your rank and league 100 500        
Where Am I? Find out your coordinates     50 350    
Your First Hero Create a Hero Creatures Icon 20px unicorn carts.png 1 Creatures Icon 20px goblins.png 3 & Magical Eye for 2 days
Your Hero and His Name Rename your hero         300 1