Difference between revisions of "Dwarfworld Climbing Plants"

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(New page: {{NavSentinelCreature}} {{Infobox Sentinel Creature |Name=Salamanders |Image=Creatures_Sentinel.jpg |World= |Attack=7 |Defense=7 |Life Force=48 |Speed=4 |Points=2 |Convertible=No }} The ...)
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Revision as of 14:21, 30 September 2010

Attack: 7
Defense: 7
Life Force: 48
Speed: 4 tpa
Points: 2
No Strengths
No Weaknesses
Creature is not convertible

The gulping plant was apparently created during an experiment of a master of magic, who was immediately eaten by his own creation. This special plant spreads a sweet smell to get it's victim closer, and then, when the victim is close enough, grabs it and pulls it down under earth starting to distract it's blood. If, for any reason, the victim manages to escape, the gulping plant has a poisonous sting, that it can shoot. It is hard to identify a gulping plant between other plants, as they usually grow in forests - if you are close enough to identify it, it's too late.