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Button Might in the Menu Bar

Einige Ranglisten sind in Ligen eingeteilt. Diese Ligen werden immer am 1. jedes Monats neu zugewiesen. Am Monatsende erhalten die Spieler, die in ihrer Liga jeweils auf dem ersten Platz stehen, eine Auszeichnung. Diese Auszeichnungen werden "Stäbe" genannt. Die Spieler auf den ersten drei Plätzen einer Liga erhalten jeder ein Liga-Setitems. Dabei ist es entscheidend, welche Stufe die Magier durch Meditation erreicht haben.

The comprehension might identified in Xhodon the ranking.You can find them with the button 'might' in the menu bar. There are several different highscorelists, that´ll be discribed in the broader.

If you click on the name of a magician you get to his profile. If you click on a guild-code in angled brackets [...] fuy get to a description of this guild.

At the lower border is provided the input field 'Search for'whitch you can search after the name of a player or a guild.

Some rankings are scaled in leagues. This leagues will be assigned at every 1st of a month. At the end of a month, the players who stand on the first place of their league, get an award. The Players on the first three places of a league get a league-setitem. It is arbitrative there, wich Level the player has achieved with meditation.



The might of a magician shows witch entire place you account with alls your points sum up (on 'show own placement'). Your own name is written fat. The List will be fragmentet on every 1st of a month in the so-calles leagues, where you are with 59 other magicians. On the 30th of a month the 1st place of a league gets a award. Accessorily the magicians on the places 1 - 3 gets special set-items, depending on how far they have medititated teir magicians. More for that under league.

If you clic on the name of a magician, you get to his profile. If you clic on 'show the mighiest', you come to the list of all magicians, not only in your league. If you want to go back to the league-summary you have just to clic on 'magician', again. The signs in the [] before the name of a magician shows to wich guild he belong.


The guild might shows how the guilds standing to each other from their points, the guild where you belong is written fat. You can collate the guilds after their summon pints or after the average of points from the magician. If you clic on 'own placing' your guild shows up in the might-list. To collate the guilts after other factors, click on 'points' for the summon points of the guild or clic on 'pro magician' to collate after the average of points.


The might of the warrior-guilds shows how much points have the heros of a guild summ up. You can show this so as average. To let it collate after the number of the points of a guild, just clic on 'points'. To collate after the point-average of points of a guild, clic on 'pro-magician'. Click on 'own placing', to show the placing of your own guild in the warrior-guilds might. Your own guild is written fat.

Die Palast Macht zeigt die Paläste der Magier nach Punkten sortiert. Dadurch kann man sehen, wie weit der eigene Palast im Vergleich zu anderen Palästen ausgebaut ist. Man kann diese Machtliste nicht umsortieren lassen. Klicke auf Eigene Platzierung um die Platzierung deines besten Palastes anzuzeigen. Um nach einem Palast zu suchen, dessen Namen du kennst, gebe den Namen des gesuchten Palastes unter Suchen ein.


The palace might shows the palaces og the magicians collaet after their points. Thus you can so how far your own palace is developt in comparison to the palaces of the other. You can´t resort this might-list. Clic on 'own' placing to show the placing of your best palace. To look after a palace wich name you know, enter the name of this palace under 'search for'.

Battle Points

Warrior Guilds



Bunker Guilds

Gatherer Guilds



Ascending Magicians

Ascending Guilds
