Dwarfworld Sentinels 2

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Example Sentinel wrong.

Attacking Sentinels

Icon Sentinel Level2.png

Attacking sentinels will not earn your hero experience for killed sentinel creatures. Only your own casualties will give some experience.

To slay sentinels of level 2, a minimum of 350-400 Goblins (or creatures of equivalent strength) is required. To keep casualties as low as possible, attack with 1000 or more.

You will need up to 70 Unicorn Carts to carry the loot.

Defending Sentinels

To defend a sentinel, move a hero to its valley and set his defence status to "Valley defence". Setting the defence status to "Area defence" will not defend sentinels as they do not count as allied units.

Example Sentinel

Other Sentinels level 2 may be stronger or weaker. Accordingly, they leave more of less loot for you.

Name Count
Life Force
Sentinel Gnomes 5 40 25 100
Sentinel Will-O'-The-Wisps 5 15 30 120
Sentinel Skraelings 4 12 28 112
Sentinel Wart Venom Rats 0 0 0 0
Sentinel Sylphs 3 12 27 108
Sentinel Midgard Snakes 10 50 100 400
Sentinel Nymphs 5 25 55 220
Sentinel Climbing Plants 2 12 24 96
Total 166 289 1,156
Resources Resources Herb Essences.png Herb Essences Resources Crystal Splinters.png Crystal Splinters Resources Power Stones.png Power Stones Resources Gold Resin.png Gold Resin
15'333 15'503 2'990 1'725